Showing posts from January, 2022
Google FireBase IOT Automation
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FIREBASE IOT Automation download complete files from this link- download the required Library from Github link-- Firebase IOT Application aia file link:- #include <FirebaseESP8266.h> // install the FirebaseESP8266 Library #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>// install the ESP8266 WIFI library #define ssid "dewa406"//Enter the Wifi SSID #define password "Ramesh16384"//Enter wifi password #define FIREBASE_HOST "Enter the Firebase Database project url here"//paste database url #define FIREBASE_AUTH "Enter Firebase project Aut token here "//Enter firebase token FirebaseData firebaseData; int LEDPIN_1 = D0; //initialize the LED1 to D0 Pin int LEDPIN_2 = D1; //initialize the LED2 to D1 Pin...
Proteus simulation - RF ID LOCK with I2c LCD display
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// install the required libraries #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20, 16, 2);//set correct address of the I2c module int count = 0;// variable "count"is int type char c;// variable "c" is char type String id;//variable "id"is string type void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);//set baud rate 9600 lcd.begin();// initilize lcd screen pinMode(13, OUTPUT);// set pin for lock Serial.println("Please scan ID CARD");//printing command on serial monitor lcd.backlight();//turning on Backlight of LCD screen lcd.print("SCAN ID CARD");//printing message on LCD screen. } void loop() { while (Serial.available() > 0) { c =; count++; id += c; if (count == 12) { Serial.print(id); //break; if (id == "AB123456789A")//Enter 12 charac...