4 Stage Timer With DS3231RTC Module.
Componet List 1-Arduino Uno or Arduino Nano 2-DS3231 RTC Module 3-16x2 LCD screen 4-5v 2A DC Regulated power Supply 5- 5v DC, 10A single Channel Relay Module 6-ON/OFF Switch 7-Normaly open Push buttons-4 Numbers 8-Green LED with Holder 9-10 K Preset 10-100 Ohm Resistance 11-10 A barrel fuse with Holder 12-13 A /AC Socket Outlet 13-PG Gland 14-3 core 4 mm copper flexible cable. 15-13 A ,3 pin Plug 16- Plastic Mounting screws. 17-8"x 5" Size PVC junction Box. 18-5 Volt DC Buzzer 19-4 mm square single core wire 20-Female Header Connector. ------------------------------------------------ #include <DS3231.h>//Memanggil RTC3231 Library #include <Wire.h> // i2C Conection Library #include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Libraries #include <EEPROM.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); //Arduino pins to lcd #define bt_clock A0 #define bt_up A1 #define bt_down A2 #define bt_timer A3 #define relay 8 #define buzzer 13 // Init...
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